Knowledge Base

How to add admins to Sourcemod / CSGO

  • First you will need your SteamID which looks something like this STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXX . Unsure how to get this? Click Here
  • Log into the game panel at
  • Click on the server you want to add an admin too
  • Click QuickEdit -> Admins_Simple.ini
  • Scroll to the bottom of the file and insert the following
    "YOUR STEAMID" "99:z"

    ensuring you keep the quotation marks

  • Press save and either restart your server or type sm_reloadadmins in the console
  • Type !admin in game to verify it is working

(Adding 99:z will give the user full access to your server and all of its commands in game. If adding someone other than yourself as an admin we highly recommend changing this as they will have the highest privileges available on your server. For more information about this setting we highly recommend you visit

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